KJSNA Menu Meetings

Executive Committee
Call for Papers
Current Conference
Past Conferences
International Conferences

45th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2024)

In conjunction with the XXV World Congress of Philosophy August 1 – 8, 2024, Rome (Italy)

In conjunction with the Ninth International Karl Jaspers Meeting

Jaspersian Boundary Situations—eight sessions:

Karl Jaspers and Plotinus
Democracy and Cosmopolitanism
The Psychology Regarding Artificial Intelligence
The Psychology Regarding the Atomic Bomb
The Concept of World Responsibility
Karl Jaspers and the Idea of Europe
Boundary Situation: The Use of Suffering and Depression, Mental or Emotional Disturbance
International Business Meeting

44th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2023)

Reclaiming Transcendence

Book Review Gadamer’s Hermeneutics: Between Phenomenology and Dialectic

Book Review Future Peace: Technology, Aggression, and the Rush to War

Artificial Intelligence in Warfare

Hegel and Pragmatism

Book Review, Vier Orientierungsaufgaben der Aufklärung, Band I und Band II

Karl Jaspers' Grundkategorien der Logik und ihre Relevanz

43rd Annual KJSNA Meetings (2022)

Samantha Matherne, Cassirer

Karin Nisenbaum, For the Love of Metaphysics: Nihilism and the Conflict of Reason from Kant to Rosenzweig

Catrin Misselhorn, Künstliche Intelligenz und Empathie

The Engineering and Mimicry of Emotion in AI Research

Book Review The Psychology of Totalitarianism

42nd Annual KJSNA Meetings (2021)

Dilthey in Jaspers' Psychology of Worldviews

Book Review Psychologie der Weltanschauungen

The Cyborg and Existential Becoming: Exploring Posthumanism with Jaspers

Francesca Ferrando, Philosophical Posthumanism

Giovanni Stanghellini, Lost in Dialogue: Anthropology, Psychopathology, and Care

Jaspers on Understanding and its Application in Psychopathology

41st Annual KJSNA Meetings (2020)

Richard Eldridge, Werner Herzog: Filmmaker and Philosopher

Structuralism After Kant

Robert B. Brandomn, A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology

Post-Kantian Conceptions of Responsibility

R. Kevin Hill, Friedrich Nietzsche: The Joyous Science

Jaspers' Nietzsche Interpretation

40th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2019)

Joint Session with The International Society for Chinese Philosophy

Humankind as Historical Beings - Karl Jaspers and José Ortega y Gasset

Dmitri Nikulin, The Concept of History

International Relations and Philosophy in a Global Age

Trevor Tchir, Hannah Arendt's Theory of Political Action: Daimonic Disclosure of the ‘Who'

39th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2018)

Joint Session with the Gabriel Marcel Society

Noreen Khawaja, The Religion of Existence

Truth, Communication, and Free Speech - Jaspers and the University

Eugene Halton, From the Axial Age to the Moral Revolution

38th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2017)

Contemporary Perspectives on Philosophical Mysticism


37th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2016)

Transcendence and Film


36th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2014-2015)

Philosophy, Psychopathology, and Neuroscience


35th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2013-2014)

Philosophy and Art


34th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2012-2013)

Jaspers, Nietzsche, and Arendt

The Future of Humanity and Post-Humanity


33rd Annual KJSNA Meetings (2011-2012)

World Philosophy and Religion


32nd Annual KJSNA Meetings (2010-2011)

World Philosophy and The Axial Age Thesis


31st Annual KJSNA Meetings (2009-2010)

World Philosophy and The Axial Age Thesis


30th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2008-2009)

Cross-Cultural Hermeneutics and World Philosophy


29th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2007-2008)

Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychopathology


28th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2006-2007)

These programs are sponsored and supported by the following organizations:

The Karl Jaspers Society of North America
The Victor von Weizsäcker Society
The International Hermann Cohen Society

27th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2005-2006)

These programs are sponsored and supported by the following organizations:

The Karl Jaspers Society of North America
The Hannah Arendt Circle

26th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2004-2005)

These programs are sponsored and supported by the following organizations:

Committee for International Cooperation
American Philosophical Association
The Hannah Arendt Circle
Averroës and Enlightenment International Association (Cairo)
The Paideia Project at Boston University

25th Annual KJSNA Meetings (2003-2004)

KJSNA scheduled events at the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association.

1980-2003 conferences

The complete speakers list of KJSNA scheduled meetings.